Coffs Harbour News

Coffs Harbour City will be the first of 22 regional Local Government Areas where motorists will receive real time traffic information on local roads.
Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said the NSW Government is expanding the Live Traffic NSW website and app to provide more reliable information to local drivers, especially during
emergencies like bushfires or floods.
“A platform has been created which will allow Coffs Harbour City Council to share real time live traffic information from their local roads into a central hub, which will give more information to
motorists when they are travelling around the Coffs Coast,” Mr Singh said.
“One of the most important things people need to be able to rely on is accurate and timely road information to make travel easier and safer.
“This is particularly the case in the lead-in to summer and what has traditionally been bushfire season.
“Providing live traffic information on local roads will enhance travel across our community and allow motorists to plan ahead so they can get from A to B easier and safer.”
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said feedback from communities and recommendations from the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements Report
were taken on board to develop ‘OneRoad’, a backend portal for councils to feed their data into Live Traffic NSW so road impacts across local and state roads are all in the one place.
“The initial 22 LGAs have been chosen in consultation with the NSW Police, RFS and SES with the view to have all 128 LGAs across the state on board by 2024,” Mr Farraway said.
“LGAs will continue to come on board in stages, with the priority given to the regional councils who have been impacted most by bushfires and floods.
“In the event of road closures through floods or fires, they will no longer have to piece together information from different sources to work out what roads are open and safe to use.
“By bringing all of the state’s traffic information into one central hub we will improve the experience of road users, helping to keep drivers moving and our communities safe.”
This year during natural disasters the Live Traffic NSW website and mobile app traffic spiked up to 33 times the usual daily volume, with up to 660,000 sessions in one day, demonstrating the demand for real-time traffic information in a crisis.
Coffs Harbour City Council Mayor Cr Paul Amos said the ability for councils to share information via this tool is a fantastic win, particularly for areas impacted by extreme weather events.
“Having this one-stop digital shop for disruption across the road network is an invaluable tool for any community, especially one looking for a clear road out during a natural disaster,” Cr Amos said.
“Our community knows how crucial co-ordination is across government so the ability for local road impacts to now be fed into Live Traffic NSW and navigational systems by our Council is a big step in the right direction, ensuring community members have access to the latest information at their fingertips.”
The new information from 22 LGAs will be available on Live Traffic NSW and third-party apps from October.
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