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Kyogle News

Council investigates town water supply for Tabulam




Council investigates town water supply for Tabulam

Kyogle Council endorsed the Tabulam Water Supply Scoping Study and the Tabulam Town Water Supply Groundwater Supply Position Report at the council meeting last week.

The Tabulam Visions of Village Life Master Plan identified the desire for the village of Tabulam to be provided with a town water supply. Council was successful in securing $103,500 (75%) towards a project value of $138,000 under the NSW Government’s Safe and Secure Water Program (SSWP), for the scoping study to investigation options for the provision of a town water supply for the village of Tabulam. The initial scoping study was completed in June 2021 and endorsed by the NSW State Government regulatory bodies and funding partners. The Scoping Study recommended additional investigations be undertaken into the two new test bores that were drilled in the village of Tabulam as part of the emergency drought works associated with the Bonalbo Water Supply.  The additional groundwater supply position report was completed in January 2022.

The Scoping Study identifies an opportunity for a staged approach to the provision of a town water supply for Tabulam. The first stage is to commission and undertake additional testing and monitoring of the Hall Bore to ensure its viability (estimated at $0.2 million). The second stage would see the Hall Bore used as the raw water source for a town water supply, with minimal treatment, and a new reservoir and reticulation to the existing houses constructed (estimated at $1.95 million). The third stage would see the raw water source accessing the Clarence River alluvial groundwater expanded, the treatment plant upgraded, and the additional population growth serviced (estimated at $0.65 million)

The fourth stage would see the raw water system upgraded further, an additional reservoir, and a truck main constructed to supply the Jubullum Aboriginal Land Council site with water in addition to the village of Tabulam (estimated at $5.73 million) Council has budgeted $155,150 in 2022/23 to commission the Hall Bore, with $50,000 of grant funding through the Australian Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants.

This will allow for the ongoing testing and monitoring program to commence, and for the bore to be used for fire-fighting and other non-potable the bore to be used for potable uses.

Note that the use of the Hall Bore for potable water may be limited while the onsite sewerage systems remain in place, and the ongoing monitoring program is intended to assess if this is a barrier to its use in the interim while the village waits for a reticulated sewerage system to be developed.

The current Long Term Financial Plan includes a provisional sum of $2.462 million in 2025/26 for construction of stage 2, subject to 75% external funding being secured. In order to have the best case for funding applications to cover the 75% of construction costs, Council will need to secure land for the treatment plant and reservoir and progress the preferred option identified in the Scoping Study through to concept and detailed design. There may be funding opportunities to assist with this work, however it may also be necessary for Council to fund the next stage of the process, including the land matters.

Tenterfield-The Bowlo

Kyogle News

Meet your Kyogle candidates





Meet your Kyogle candidates


By Samantha Elley

The Northern Rivers Times has asked all of the candidates for the September 14 local government elections to introduce themselves to voters identify the issues they want to address and policies they would pursue if elected.


A Ward Kyogle Candidates

Brett McNamara

Brett McNamara brings a professional skill set with 40 years in national parks, local government, and budget management. He is focused on renewal, civic pride, and effective governance. With strong people management skills, he envisions Kyogle as a place for families, creativity, and prosperity. Brett is committed to listening and serving with respect and compassion.

To find out more about Brett McNamara, click here.

Brett McNamara Kyogle Candidates

Brett McNamara

Kieran Somerville

Kieran Somerville, with credentials in Environmental Management and Regenerative Agriculture, advocates for sustainable development, transparent decision-making, and strong support for farming. He promotes local businesses, arts, culture, and environmental protection. Kieran holds a Bachelor’s in Environmental Management and a Graduate Diploma in Regenerative Agriculture, working as an environmental consultant and farm co-manager.

To find out more about Kieran Somerville, click here.

Douglas Layton

Lives at Kyogle and is retired.

Naomi Worrall

Naomi Worrall has spent two decades working in social housing, from frontline services to government reforms. She recently built a small business focused on baking and growing flowers. With extensive volunteer experience in governance roles, Naomi is dedicated to ensuring efficient and accessible government services and is passionate about serving the Kyogle community.

To find out more about Kieran Somerville, click here.

Janet Wilson

Experience and knowledge with local government, community development and engagement. Strong interest in governance, engagement with residents and other levels of government to achieve best outcomes in the public interest.

To find out more about Janet Wilson, click here.


B Ward Kyogle Candidates

Neil Summerville

A long-time resident of Sextonville, having lived there since 1989, and with family ties to Babyl Creek since 1972, the candidate is motivated by the high maintenance costs of vehicles on rural roads. With over 20 years of boardroom experience, including as deputy chair of Northern Co-op Meat Company, he brings significant leadership experience, including roles as chairman of the NSW Livestock Health and Pest Authority and North East Pest Animal Advisory Committee.

To find out more about Neil Summerville, click here.

Neil Summerville Kyogle Candidates

Neil Summerville

Glenn Robinson

Glenn Robinson, who moved into town nearly 10 years ago, is running for council to promote transparency and community trust. He values good listening, communication, and collaboration among councillors. As a new candidate, he’s eager to learn and focused on representing the community’s best interests, aiming to restore public confidence in local government.

To find out more about Glenn Robinson, click here.

Glenn Robinson Kyogle Candidates

Glenn Robinson

Robert Cullen

Robert Cullen, a fifth-generation resident of B Ward since 1849, seeks re-election to continue improving Kyogle. Passionate about maintaining the area’s quality of life, he focuses on road improvements, communication, supporting local businesses, and enhancing volunteer organizations. Active in seven volunteer groups, Robert manages the Farmers’ Market and is committed to community service.

To find out more about Robert Cullen, click here.

Robert Cullen Kyogle Candidates

Robert Cullen

John Burley

Has been a councillor of B Ward for three terms from 2012 to 2024. Lives at Horse Station Creek.

Olivia Taylor

I have a strong professional and academic background. I am a person of good character and always bring integrity to my professional and public life. I completed a double degree in a Bachelor of Politics and International Relations/Bachelor of Laws, I then became a fully qualified lawyer. I have always been involved in the communities in which I live, usually by volunteer work and helping those in need. I have experience as an advocate and always act ethically.

To find out more about Olivia Taylor, click here.


C Ward Kyogle Candidates

Simon Dejoux

Simon Dejoux, a property owner at Gradys Creek since the late 1990s, is committed to restoring integrity, transparency, and honesty to the council. With nearly 40 years of experience across various sectors, he aims to address key issues like roads, aged care, youth, and supporting local agriculture. He advocates for better planning and service equity for villages and smaller communities.

To find out more about Simon Dejoux, click here.

Simon Dejoux Kyogle Candidates

Simon Dejoux

Danielle Mulholland

A full-time councillor and part-time lawyer with 25 years at Gradys Creek, the candidate has served three terms on Council and aims to address the roads and bridges backlog, support sustainable communities, improve village infrastructure, and rebuild trust between the community and Council. They are committed to fulfilling promises with honesty and integrity.

To find out more about Danielle Mulholland, click here.

Danielle Mulholland Kyogle Candidates

Danielle Mulholland

Ian Murrell

Ian Murrell, a Kyogle resident since 2016, is running for council to bring fresh perspectives to the democratic process. An ex-clinical nurse and cabinetmaker, Ian values community input and plans to run workshops to understand local concerns. He has been active in community organisations and believes in creating a great place to live and work.

To find out more about Ian Murrell, click here.

Ian Murrell Kyogle Candidates

Ian Murrell

Thomas Cooper

Thomas Cooper, a 28-year resident of Bonalbo, is running for Ward C to complete major projects like the $50 million Clarence Valley Way upgrade. He emphasises the need for a high-caliber general manager, local economic growth, and infrastructure improvements. Thomas opposes the referendum for a popularly voted mayor, advocating for community-focused governance.

To find out more about Thomas Cooper, click here.

Thomas Cooper Kyogle Candidates

Thomas Cooper

Earle Grundy

Is a non-resident but has been a councillor of Kyogle Shire.

James Murray

Previously a councillor of Kyogle from 2022 – 2024 and lives at Grady’s Creek. He holds a certificate in Agriculture and is a farmer and timber contractor.

Robin Harley

Lives at Kyogle.


For more 2024 Local Elections News, click here.

Tenterfield-The Bowlo
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Kyogle News

Thomas Cooper – Kyogle meet your candidates




Thomas Cooper Kyogle Candidates

Thomas Cooper – Kyogle meet your candidates


By Samantha Elley

The Northern Rivers Times has asked all of the candidates for the September 14 local government elections to introduce themselves to voters identify the issues they want to address and policies they would pursue if elected.

Thomas Cooper (C Ward)

Thomas Cooper Kyogle Candidates

Thomas Cooper

I have lived at Bonalbo for 28 years.

This term of councillors has been very unusual as it has only been two years and 10 months. I have not seen a lot of what’s been pushed, come to fruition.

I would like to see the $50 million upgrade of the Clarence Valley Way finished.

It’s most important to do as a team is to appoint a new general manager of high calibre who embraces change and new technology.

I am asking residents of Ward C to allow me to  be part of the team as I want to see major projects completed.

Our future is heavily influenced economically by Kyogle Shire Council and its $80 million budget which drives the local economy. We must ensure we buy local where a competitive rate prevails.

Too many shop fronts are empty so we need to cut the red tape and shorten development times.

I would like to see our villages, such as Mallanganee, Grevillea etc. with reticulated water and sewerage.

The referendum  for popularly voted mayor, I will be asking the people in Ward C to vote ‘No’ as it brings party politics into local government.

This council does not belong to the mayor, the councillors, staff or general manager. It belongs to the residents of Kyogle Shire and you will prove this on 14th September when you exercise your democratic right to vote.


For more 2024 Local Elections News, click here.

Tenterfield-The Bowlo
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Kyogle News

Ian Murrell – Kyogle meet your candidates




Ian Murrell Kyogle Candidates

Ian Murrell Kyogle meet your candidates


By Samantha Elley

The Northern Rivers Times has asked all of the candidates for the September 14 local government elections to introduce themselves to voters identify the issues they want to address and policies they would pursue if elected.

Ian Murrell (C Ward)

Ian Murrell Kyogle Candidates

Ian Murrell

I have lived in the Kyogle district since 2016.

I am not running because I feel that the present councillors have done a bad job or because I have some pressing concern I want resolved.

I have no vision for Kyogle district, apart for wanting a great place to live and work and visit.

I’m running because I think new people with new ways of thinking are good for the democratic process.

My most urgent issue is to find out what are the urgent issues of the people in the district.

I am receptive to having peoples’ issues and ideas explained to me.

To achieve that I’ll run workshops for the whole community.

I’m an ex-clinical nurse, and cabinetmaker who lives in Cougal with my partner, Eija.

I’ve been active in community organisations and on the boards of co-operatives and body corporates.

I have lived in different parts of the world and bring a perspective from all that I have experienced.


For more 2024 Local Elections News, click here.

Tenterfield-The Bowlo
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