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Business News NSW Northern Rivers

Enter the 2024 Lismore Business Excellence Awards




Enter the 2024 Lismore Business Excellence Awards


The 2024 Lismore Business Excellence Awards are now open, inviting businesses within the 2480 postcode to showcase their achievements and contributions to the local economy.

Organised by Business Lismore, also known as the Lismore Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the awards aim to recognise and honour outstanding business achievements. These awards celebrate businesses that have persevered through challenges, embraced opportunities, and contributed to the growth and prosperity of Lismore.

Why Enter?

  • Recognition: Gain acknowledgment for your hard work and achievements.
    Networking: Connect with other business leaders.
    Promotion: Increase your business’s visibility.
    Validation: Validate your strategies and operations.


There are 23 award categories covering a wide range of industries, ensuring every type of business has the opportunity to be recognised. Categories include:

  • Retail and Personal Services
  • Trade, Construction & Manufacturing
  • Business & Professional Services
  • Health, Care & Wellness Industries
  • Agriculture & Primary Industries
  • Tourism, Recreation and Visitor Experience

Event Details

  • Date: 10 August 2024
  • Location: Lismore Turf Club

How to Enter

To enter, visit the Business Lismore website for application details and submission guidelines.

Final Thoughts

The Lismore Business Excellence Awards offer a platform for businesses to gain the recognition they deserve and contribute to the overall vibrancy and economic health of Lismore. Business Lismore encourages all eligible businesses, regardless of size, to participate and celebrate the collective success of the Lismore business community.


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Business News

Two-in-five Australians set to shop the End of Financial Year sales




a person online shopping for End of Financial Year sales

Two-in-five Australians set to shop the End of Financial Year sales


New research from PayPal reveals that two-in-five (38%) Australians plan to shop during the End of Financial Year (EOFY) sales, but not predominantly for traditional tax-deductible work expenses. Instead, a significant portion of shoppers will be focusing on personal items such as clothing or fashion (51%), electronics (31%), homewares and garden items (26%), and health and beauty products (12%).

The current economic climate is a major factor influencing this broader bargain-hunting behaviour. More than half (52%) of Australians believe that online sales can help them manage cost-of-living pressures. Reflecting this sentiment, two-in-five (42%) will shop the EOFY sales online rather than in-store, driven by the convenience of price comparisons and the perception of better deals online.

“As the cost-of-living crisis continues, it’s clear that Australians are eager to save money whenever and wherever they can, looking to online sales events to help reduce spending,” said PayPal Consumer Shopping Expert Bonnie Brady. She advises that while sales can be an excellent opportunity to save on necessary items, planning purchases and setting budgets are crucial to avoid impulse buying and overspending.

However, the shift towards online shopping comes with increased security concerns. A substantial majority of Australians (93%) are worried about online security, with scams becoming more sophisticated and harder to recognise. This concern has grown over the past year, with two-in-five (40%) Australians more worried about online security than before.

Despite these concerns, there is a strong awareness of online security measures among Australians. About 84% feel confident in their understanding of how to protect themselves against scams, and 99% are familiar with key online safety techniques such as using complex passwords (87%), diversifying passwords (76%), and avoiding links in text messages (76%). Additionally, four-in-five (84%) prefer to use secure payment options like PayPal when shopping online.

Unfortunately, heightened vigilance against scams has led to some disruptions in legitimate activities. For example, 87% of Australians avoid phone calls from unknown numbers due to scam fears, and 15% have missed a genuine payment assuming it was fraudulent.

Bonnie Brady emphasises the importance of staying informed about online safety: “The convenience of online shopping has never been more popular, but we must all do the work to learn how to stay safe online, and to keep that understanding up as new threats emerge. The protective steps that each of us can take are simple and often free, but no one can take them for us.”

To help consumers shop safely and smartly during the EOFY sales, PayPal offers the following tips:

  1. Plan purchases: Make a list and budget before shopping to avoid impulse buys.
  2. Scrutinise suspicious sites: Look out for fake retail sites by checking for anomalies and verifying URLs.
  3. Check reviews: Look up online reviews to avoid fraudulent sellers.
  4. Understand return options: Ensure the retailer has a reasonable return policy.
  5. Compare prices in real time: Use tools like PayPal Honey to find the best deals and apply discount codes automatically.
  6. Keep financial details safe: Use secure payment methods like PayPal to protect your information.

These strategies can help Australians make the most of the EOFY sales while staying safe and within budget.


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Builders Respond to NSW Budget




NSW Budget Builders

Builders Respond to NSW Budget


Today’s NSW Budget offers significant measures to address supply barriers in the new home building sector, according to Master Builders Association of NSW Executive Director Brian Seidler.


“Treasurer Daniel Mookhey has appropriately placed housing at the heart of the budget, acknowledging that building the necessary homes and infrastructure is essential to tackling broader economic and cost-of-living challenges,” said Mr. Seidler.

Key Housing Initiatives:

  • Speeding Up Development Approvals: Measures to expedite development approvals will reduce build costs and address delays in planning, which have historically extended build times.
  • Investment in Social and Affordable Housing: A record investment in social and affordable housing aims to address the critical undersupply for vulnerable populations.
  • Release of Government Land: The release of government land for both government and private home building is a long-advocated measure by Master Builders.
  • Build-to-Rent Projects: These projects are welcomed as they diversify the NSW housing market and make rental accommodation more affordable.
  • Higher Density Construction: With construction times increasing from an average of 22 months to over 30 months over the last decade, accelerating build times is crucial. The focus will be on overcoming labour shortages, low productivity, and delays in other approvals such as occupation certificates.

Business Support

“Building and construction businesses have faced rising operating costs and increased project risks for several years, with many struggling to stay afloat. Over 98% of the industry is comprised of small businesses, which are currently facing significant challenges,” said Mr. Seidler. He emphasized that a strong building and construction industry is vital for the economy, noting that every dollar invested in the industry returns three dollars to the economy.

Skills and Training

“Workforce shortages are a significant barrier to the building and construction industry, which loses 8% of its workforce annually, replacing only about half of those lost. Growing our domestic workforce is crucial,” stated Mr. Seidler.

Key Skills and Training Measures:

  • Fee-Free Training: The budget includes additional places for fee-free training, particularly targeting construction apprenticeships.
  • Industry-Led Training Organisations: There is a call for better support for vocational education and training providers outside of TAFE, emphasizing the role of industry-led registered training organisations and group training organisations in delivering this training.


The Master Builders Association welcomes additional investments in transport and education projects, including upgrades to roads around the new Western Sydney airport. “As we build more homes, it’s crucial to have supporting infrastructure like roads, hospitals, and schools to support growing communities,” Mr. Seidler said.

Building Commission

“We welcome additional funding for the NSW Building Commission to enforce regulations and eliminate bad building practices,” said Mr. Seidler. The Master Builders Association has long supported an industry-specific building commission to ensure high standards in construction projects, meeting community expectations.

In summary, today’s NSW Budget introduces several positive measures that aim to enhance the building and construction industry’s ability to meet housing targets, support small businesses, address skills shortages, and ensure robust infrastructure development.


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Business News NSW Northern Rivers

Local slow cooked pies are gold standard




Emily, Blair, 3, Dan and Addison, 4 Clark at Wild Soul Bakehouse

Local slow cooked pies are gold standard


By Samantha Elley

Dan and Emily Clark had their eye on the pie prize when Dan flew down to Melbourne recently to enter some of their pies in the Baking Association of Australia’s Best Pie competition.

“They have a trade show that ties in with (the pie competition),” said Emily.

“We decided we would enter a couple of our pies in it.

“So Dan flew them down as special cargo down to Melbourne.”

To their surprise and delight they walked away with a gold, a silver and two bronze medals for their efforts.

“We entered our plain pie, our Mexican pie, satay chicken and our Lamb, Rosemary and Mash,” said Emily.

“We enter the pies not to win, just to gauge where we sit with other bakers, to make sure we are doing the right thing and heading in the right direction.

“We were really, really stoked.”

They won gold for the lamb pie, silver for the satay and bronze for both the plain and Mexican pies.

“We only came up with the lamb, rosemary and mash 2-3 weeks before the pie comp was on,” said Dan.

“It was a brand new one that we’d never tried before.”

The business opened in February 2023 and has been serving up a wide range of baked goods, all made from scratch, to the Casino public ever since.

“Dan was working in a bakery in Lismore,” said Emily

“He is a qualified baker and he had always had this idea in his head that one day he would like to get here.”

The couple had started a grazing box business which outgrew their home and knew they had to either finish up or continue expanding what they had started.

From there, Wild Soul Bakehouse was born.

They often rotate new flavours of pies every two weeks to provide variety, but after their success in competition, Dan and Emily are keen to keep the lamb pie on as a regular.

And their secret?

“We do all our pies from scratch, pastries from scratch, we don’t buy in anything,” said Dan.

“With our lamb, we slow cook the meat, so we take our time and let the flavours develop.”

You can sample the award winning pies at Wild Soul Bakehouse, 70 Centre Street, Casino.


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