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The Importance of Taking Breaks While Gardening




The Importance of Taking Breaks While Gardening


Gardening is a fulfilling and therapeutic activity, offering a chance to connect with nature and cultivate beautiful spaces. However, the physical demands of gardening are often underestimated, leading to fatigue and even injury if proper care is not taken. One crucial aspect of maintaining both productivity and health in the garden is the importance of taking regular breaks.

Gardening involves a variety of physical tasks such as repetitive motions, bending, lifting, and prolonged periods of standing or kneeling. These activities can strain muscles and joints, resulting in discomfort and potential injuries such as back pain, tendonitis, or knee problems. Taking regular breaks allows your body to recover and reduces the risk of overuse injuries. Incorporating stretching exercises during these breaks can help maintain flexibility, improve circulation, and prevent stiffness.

Furthermore, breaks provide an opportunity to stay hydrated and protect yourself from the elements. Dehydration and heat exhaustion are common risks, especially during the hotter months. By taking short, frequent breaks to drink water and rest in the shade, you can prevent these conditions and maintain your energy levels. Additionally, wearing appropriate clothing and applying sunscreen can help protect against sunburn and overheating. Consider using a wide-brimmed hat and lightweight, breathable fabrics to stay cool and shielded from the sun.

Mental well-being is another significant benefit of taking breaks while gardening. Extended periods of intense focus and physical exertion can lead to mental fatigue. Stepping away from your tasks periodically helps to clear your mind, reduce stress, and maintain motivation. Breaks give you a chance to enjoy the beauty of your garden from a different perspective, fostering a deeper appreciation for your work. Taking a moment to observe the fruits of your labour, listen to the sounds of nature, and breathe in the fresh air can rejuvenate your spirit and enhance your overall gardening experience.

Incorporating regular breaks into your gardening routine can enhance both your enjoyment and the effectiveness of your efforts. Setting a timer can be a helpful reminder to pause, stretch, hydrate, and relax. Consider using these breaks to check on other aspects of your garden, like inspecting plants for pests or diseases, or simply sitting back and appreciating the progress you’ve made.

Gardening should be a source of joy, not strain. By taking care of your body and mind, you ensure that you can continue to tend to your garden with enthusiasm and care. Remember, a well-tended garden requires a well-tended gardener. Embrace the practice of taking breaks, and you’ll find that your gardening endeavours are not only more productive but also more enjoyable.


For more gardening news, click here.

Tenterfield-The Bowlo

News and Reviews

Would American Truck Campers be a Perfect Fit for Australia?




An example of an American Truck Camper Australia - Photo by Ecocampor

Would American Truck Campers be a Perfect Fit for Australia?


Truck campers have long been a popular choice for adventurers seeking the perfect blend of mobility and comfort. In the United States, these versatile vehicles have carved out a significant niche in the camping and RV market. However, as their popularity grows, many Australians are beginning to wonder if these American truck campers would be a good fit Down Under. With a huge market for travelling and vehicle modifications, it might be an answer to what a lot of people are after.

What Are Truck Campers?

Truck campers are a type of recreational vehicle (RV) that can be loaded onto the bed of a pickup truck. They offer a compact and self-contained living space, including sleeping quarters, a kitchen, and often a small bathroom. This design allows for greater flexibility compared to traditional caravans or motorhomes, as the camper can be detached when not in use, leaving the truck free for other purposes and by not having to tow a massive load.

An example of an American Truck Camper Australia - Photo by Ecocampor

An example of an American Truck Camper – Photo by Ecocampor

Key Features of American Truck Campers

  1. Compact Size and Versatility: American truck campers are known for their compact yet efficient design. They are ideal for travellers who prefer to navigate narrow roads and remote areas that might be challenging for larger RVs.
  2. Off-Road Capability: Many American truck campers are built with off-road capabilities in mind. They are often paired with heavy-duty trucks that can handle rough terrains, making them suitable for Australia’s diverse environments.
  3. Luxury and Comfort: Despite their compact size, these campers are equipped with modern amenities. Features such as full kitchens, bathrooms, air conditioning, and solar panels for off-grid camping make them a comfortable option for extended trips.
  4. Durability: American truck campers are designed to withstand a variety of weather conditions, which is essential for Australia’s unpredictable climate. Their robust construction ensures they can handle the sun, rain, and even snow in the high country.

Suitability for Australia

  1. Terrain and Environment: Australia’s varied landscape poses a challenge for many types of RVs. However, the off-road capabilities and rugged design of American truck campers make them well-suited for these conditions. Their ability to easily navigate rough terrain and remote areas is a significant advantage for those seeking to explore Australia’s more secluded spots without having a massive vehicle.
  2. Accessibility and Convenience: The compact size of truck campers makes them ideal for accessing areas that larger caravans and motorhomes cannot. This includes narrow coastal roads, national parks with size restrictions, and urban areas where parking can be a challenge. For those who enjoy spontaneous travel and off-the-beaten-path adventures, this flexibility is invaluable.
  3. Self-Sufficiency: One of the primary appeals of truck campers is their self-contained nature. With built-in kitchens, bathrooms, and power sources, travellers can be self-sufficient for extended periods. This is particularly useful in Australia, where remote camping is a popular choice, and amenities can be scarce.
  4. Cost Considerations: While the initial cost of a truck camper and a suitable truck may be higher than some other RV options, the long-term benefits can outweigh this. The ability to detach the camper and use the truck independently offers greater utility and can save on the cost of maintaining two separate vehicles.
Lance 650 Truck Camper Interior - Photo by Lance Camper

Lance 650 Truck Camper Interior – Photo by Lance Camper

Potential for Local Manufacturing in Australia

Whilst there is some manufacturers making truck campers (or called slide on campers in Australia), there isn’t a whole lot of options out there.

  1. Adapting to Local Conditions: Manufacturing truck campers in Australia offers the opportunity to tailor designs specifically to local conditions. This includes considering the unique demands of the Australian outback, coastal environments, and tropical regions. Local manufacturers can incorporate materials and construction techniques best suited to withstand the harsh Australian climate.
  2. Supporting the Local Economy: Establishing a truck camper manufacturing industry in Australia would provide economic benefits, including job creation and support for local businesses. By sourcing materials and components locally, manufacturers can reduce reliance on imports and contribute to the growth of the domestic economy.
  3. Customization and Innovation: Local manufacturing would allow for greater customization options, catering to the specific needs and preferences of Australian consumers. This could include integrating advanced off-road capabilities, enhanced solar power systems, and innovative storage solutions. Australian manufacturers could lead the way in developing cutting-edge features that set their products apart in the global market.
  4. Compliance and Standards: Producing truck campers locally ensures that all units meet Australian safety and regulatory standards from the outset. This eliminates the complexities associated with importing vehicles and retrofitting them to comply with local requirements. Manufacturers can focus on building campers that are fully compliant and ready for the Australian market.
  5. After-Sales Support and Service: Local manufacturing enhances the availability of after-sales support and service. Customers can benefit from readily accessible maintenance and repair services, as well as a reliable supply of replacement parts. This improves the overall ownership experience and ensures that any issues can be quickly and efficiently addressed.

American truck campers offer a unique blend of versatility, comfort, and rugged capability that make them an appealing choice for Australian adventurers. Their compact size, off-road performance, and self-sufficient design align well with the needs of those exploring Australia’s diverse landscapes. The potential for manufacturing these campers locally presents numerous advantages.

With the right investments and innovations, Australia could develop a thriving truck camper manufacturing industry that meets the demands of its adventurous population. By embracing this opportunity, Australians can enjoy the best of both worlds – the freedom and flexibility of American truck campers, tailored to the unique beauty and challenges of Australia.


For more travel news, click here.

Tenterfield-The Bowlo
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Man charged with hindering investigation following shooting – Bankstown





Man charged with hindering investigation following shooting – Bankstown

Police will address the media after a man was charged with hindering inquiries as police continue to investigate the shooting of a man in south-west Sydney overnight.

About 10:35pm (Tuesday 25 June 2024), police were called to Bankstown Hospital after a man presented with a gunshot wound to his abdomen.

Officers from Bankstown Police Area Command attended and were told the 23-year-old man had been driven to the hospital in a white Audi. The Audi driver then walked the injured man into the hospital’s emergency department.

Police will allege both men are not assisting with their inquiries.

The driver, a 30-year-old man, was arrested and taken to Bankstown Police Station where he was charged with conceal serious indictable offence, hinder police, and disqualified driving.

The Condell Park man was bail refused to appear in Bankstown Local Court today (Wednesday 26 June 2024).

The injured man has since been transferred to another hospital where he is undergoing surgery.

As inquiries into the shooting continue, police are appealing for anyone with information or who may have seen suspicious activity in the area overnight, to come forward.

WHEN: 11am TODAY (Wednesday 26 June 2024)

WHERE: Bankstown Police Station, Meridith Street, Bankstown

WHO: Det A/Supt Darren Sly, Bankstown Police Area Command A/Commander

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report information via NSW Police social media pages.

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Mental Health in Young Men: The Need for Change





Mental Health in Young Men: The Need for Change


As part of International Men’s Health Week, Kids Helpline is urging boys and young men to prioritise their mental health. Tracy Adams, CEO of yourtown, emphasises the importance of this week for fostering a positive culture around mental and emotional well-being, especially for young men.

Key Findings from Kids Helpline

  • Help-Seeking Disparity: Young males are significantly less likely to seek help for mental health concerns compared to females. In May, Kids Helpline recorded 57 daily responses from young males versus 195 from females.
  • Age Groups: Males aged 19 to 25 are the largest group of male help-seekers (37%), while those aged 15 to 18 are the least likely to seek support.

Societal Stigma and Hyper masculinity

Ms. Adams highlights that societal stigma and the culture of hyper masculinity discourage boys from talking about their emotions and seeking help. Many boys conform to a masculine ideal that values stoicism, toughness, and competitiveness, which has long-term negative effects on their mental health.

The Impact of Reluctance

Reluctance to access mental health support leaves many young men feeling isolated and vulnerable. Kids Helpline counsellors note that this reluctance is often due to the stigma associated with mental health issues and societal expectations of masculinity.

Creating a Supportive Environment

Kids Helpline provides a safe and inclusive space for boys and young men to connect with professional support around the clock. The service aims to change the way boys view mental health and encourage them to reach out for help.

Call to Action

Ms. Adams concludes by urging the community to teach boys that it’s okay to seek help. Emphasising the importance of support, she highlights the need to change societal norms and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health in young men.

Contact Information

Kids Helpline is Australia’s only national 24/7 counselling service for children and young people aged 5 to 25 years, provided by yourtown. It offers free, confidential support via:


International Men’s Health Week serves as a crucial reminder to address the mental health needs of young men. By encouraging open conversations and providing accessible support, we can help young men lead healthier, happier lives.


For more health news, click here.

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