2022 Floods
Severe Weather Conditions in Ballina Shire – Avoid Unnecessary Travel

Severe Weather Conditions in Ballina Shire – Avoid Unnecessary Travel
The Lennox Head Cultural Centre is open today as an evacuation centre for anyone seeking shelter from the severe weather and flash flooding.
Please only travel to the centre if it is safe to do so. If you are currently safe in your home, it is still the best option to stay where you are and stay off the roads if possible.
For emergency help in floods and storms call the SES on 132 500.
Residents are strongly urged to avoid travel today.
The Pacific Highway is closed from Wardell to Tintenbar, between Coolgardie Road and Tamarind Drive. This means the Cumbalum Interchange remains closed as well as the Interchange at West Ballina. River Street in West Ballina is also currently closed due to floodwaters.
The Burns Point Ferry remains CLOSED until further notice.
Due to access and safety restrictions Ballina Shire Council staff cannot inspect and signpost all urban roads. As soon as it is safe to do so our crews will complete inspections and Council will post updates to www.livetraffic.com. Please be aware of changing conditions in your local area.
Anyone needing to collect sandbags should lodge a request with SES by calling 132 500.
The Recovery Centre at the Ballina Surf Club remains closed today due to the severe weather. The Recovery Centre will reopen as soon as it is safe to do so. Flood-impacted residents can still access support by calling the Service NSW hotline on 13 77 88.
Minimise water use
If you hear your toilet gurgling, it is expected during the extreme weather we are currently experiencing.
The current high rainfall and tidal impacts are putting extreme pressure on our pump stations and wastewater network.
Council crews are doing all they can to clear the excess backlog but they’re up against it in the current conditions.
To assist us please minimise your water use such as bathing/showering, washing and toilet flushing.
If residents experience problems with sewage entering their home please contact Council on 1300 864 444.
Bin collection
Council’s Resource Recovery Team will be unable to complete collections today, Wednesday 30 March due to flooding.
Missed collections are expected to be rescheduled for Saturday 2 April 2022. Where safe to do so, residents can leave their bins out for recollection.
Missing bins
If you are in need of a bin replacement, please log a request via the Community Portal on ballina.nsw.gov.au/CommunityPortal or call 1300 864 444 for our team to log your request.
Waste Management Centre Closed
The Waste Management Centre on Southern Cross Drive is closed today due to staff not being able to access the site. It will reopen tomorrow if it is safe to do so.
Ballina Byron Gateway Airport
Commercial flights have been cancelled today and access roads are flooded. Passengers should not to travel to the airport today and should contact their airline directly for flight information.
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