Casino NSW News
Richmond Valley Council Meeting Feb 15th

Richmond Valley Council Meeting Feb 15th
Story by Lara Leahy
Images by Lara Leahy (Pool by RVC)
Cr Hayes was assured by Director Jones acknowledged delays, but said that the ePlanning implementation is being processed, and are working towards having RVC operating by the July 1 deadline.
Cr Morrissey is intending to move the motion that addresses the safety concern for traffic and pedestrian safety along Centre St at the Richmond and Canterbury St intersections. Roundabouts and pedestrian crossings are proposed, urgently.
In regards to the Rous’ Future Water Project 2060, RVC stresses the importance of investigations into the proposed Dunoon Dam including cultural heritage, landholder views, environmental impacts, ecological offset requirements, geotechnical assessments and the potential for State and Federal Government funding assistance for its construction. Council would like to make representations to the Federal and NSW Governments to seriously consider their position.
The time has been deemed right to conduct a redetermination of organisational structure within RVC. Its aims will be to strengthen leadership and operate as a progressive team.
Bushfire report includes a provision for unused bushfire funding to be funnelled into other bushfire and drought communities program projects.
Casino memorial Olympic pool master plan has been completed. It will provide year-round access to the facilities and will be user friendly for people of all ages. The development will be carried out in three stages.
The Casino Food Coop have submitted a DA to remove exotic trees, relocate the existing emergency shelter, construct a building in which retail ready products are prepared and alter landscaping including retaining walls and sewer / trade waste drainage.
Council received a DA request to allow a subdivision at 36 & 38 Mangrove St, Evans Head that would place the properties well below the minimum lot size currently permitted.
The following public sites have been deemed unnecessary and expensive for council to maintain and are proposed for reclassification and potential disposal. This includes: RSM Park, Dan Phelan Park, Sunnyside Park, Melaleuca Park and Russell Park.
The Richmond Valley Destination Management Plan 2021 – 2025 has been adopted and will be open to the public for consultation.
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