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Reminder: Slow Down in School Zones as Term 1 Begins
Reminder: Slow Down in School Zones as Term 1 Begins
By Ian Rogers
School zones will be back in effect across most of NSW from tomorrow (Friday, 31 January) as students return for Term 1 after the summer break.
Transport for NSW Executive Director of Transport Safety, Chadi Chalhoub, reminded motorists to stay alert, as some schools will have School Development Days between Friday, 31 January, and Wednesday, 5 February, while others will have students returning during this period. He emphasised the importance of obeying school zone speed limits to ensure the safety of children.
“After six weeks of school holidays, school zones are back tomorrow to ensure students attending school in those four days are safe and to prepare drivers for when all students are back to school across most of the state on Thursday, 6 February.”
“For students in the Western Division of the state, the school term will start a week later – and school zones will be in place from Friday 7 February.”
“Children are some of our most vulnerable road users and can be unpredictable on the road, so please look out for them when they are crossing, waiting to cross or as they get on or off buses or in and out of vehicles,” Mr Chalhoub said.
Mr Chalhoub said, sadly two school aged pedestrians were seriously injured in an active school zone in the first half of 2024.
“Speeding, even just a couple of kilometres over the limit, could be the difference between being able to stop in time or not at all and in a school zone, this could mean hurting a child.”
“I urge parents, guardians and all drivers to be patient and slow down around schools to ensure children remain safe on their journeys to and from school.”
“The start of the new term is also a good opportunity for parents and guardians to start teaching children early about road safety and remind them to Stop! Look! Listen! Think! every time before they cross the road,” Mr Chalhoub said.
Transport for NSW Executive Director Active Transport, Anna Bradley said:
“Families are also encouraged to walk, ride or scoot to school when possible, as it provides a great opportunity for exercise, quality time, independence and mental health benefits, while reducing traffic congestion during peak periods and improving environmental outcomes.”
“The NSW Government remains committed to making these journeys safer and more accessible across NSW through the Get Kids Active Program,” Ms Bradley said.
School zones are typically in effect from 8:00 to 9:30 AM and 2:30 to 4:00 PM on school days, with motorists facing hefty fines and demerit points for non-compliance. However, some schools in NSW have non-standard school zone times, indicated by red or orange signs displaying the specific operating hours. Drivers are urged to pay close attention to these signs to ensure they are following the correct speed limits.
For more information, visit here.
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