Lismore News

Lismore School Bus Interchange Gets Safety and Comfort Upgrades



Lismore School Bus Interchange Gets Safety and Comfort Upgrades


The Lismore School Bus Interchange, located at the corner of Leycester and Hindmarsh streets, is set to undergo significant improvements with the installation of 10 new bus shelters starting from late July. This upgrade comes in response to concerns raised by local school representatives and bus operators about the safety and inadequate coverage of the current shelters, especially during wet weather.

The new shelter design, agreed upon by Lismore City Council, features more than half a metre of additional overhead awning and perforated aluminium walls to increase visibility and improve safety. The NSW Government is funding the entire $303,000 project, ensuring that all construction work will be carried out outside of the interchange’s operating times to avoid disrupting students and school bus services.

Key Benefits and Statements

Enhanced Safety and Comfort:

  • Improved Coverage: The new shelters offer better protection from rain, ensuring students stay dry while waiting for their buses.
  • Increased Visibility: Perforated aluminium walls enhance safety by providing clearer visibility for both students and bus operators.

Funding and Support:

  • The project is fully funded by the NSW Government, reflecting a strong commitment to improving student safety and infrastructure in regional areas.

Community and Government Leaders:

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison:
Janelle Saffin has been a strong and fantastic advocate for safer school bus shelters for Lismore. It’s great to see the Labor Government delivering for the Lismore area.”

Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin:
“Lismore students deserve to have a safe and dry place to wait for their school buses at the end of their school day. I’ve been advocating for improved safety measures and amenities at the interchange for five years. Local parents will also be grateful their children’s safety is being improved by the new design and ongoing investigations into CCTV.”

Lismore City Mayor Steve Krieg:
“This is a great outcome for students who use this busy interchange. Not only will the new shelters provide better protection when it rains, but they also improve safety as students wait for their buses. I would like to thank the Member of Lismore Janelle Saffin for her support with this project.”

Future Improvements

Transport for NSW and Lismore City Council will continue to discuss the potential need for additional shelters and further safety enhancements, including extending the Council’s existing CCTV network to increase security around the interchange.

This project marks a significant step in ensuring the safety and comfort of Lismore’s students, reflecting the community’s commitment to providing high-quality infrastructure and advocating for the well-being of its young residents.


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