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Ballina Shire residents encouraged to join Plastic Free July




Ballina Shire residents encouraged to join Plastic Free July

Single-use plastics are certainly in the spotlight in 2021. A number of Australian state governments (including NSW) have announced bans, and the Federal National Plastics Plan has been released.

As part of ongoing efforts to reduce waste to landfill and protect the environment, Ballina Shire Council is a Plastic Free July council member.

Last year more than 300 million people globally participated in the Plastic Free July challenge. The challenge asks everyday people to practice habits to reduce plastic consumption over the month of July. Participants are provided with interesting resources and ideas to help reduce single-use plastic waste at home, work, school and in the community.

As a Plastic Free July council member, Ballina Shire Council is doing our part by offering accessible recycling solutions for residents. This includes programs such as the Huskee swap coffee cup initiative and provision of Community Recycling Stations throughout the shire. From Thursday 1 July 2021 it is also free to drop-off of scrap metal for recycling at the waste management centre.

Council is also promoting free online activities, including Instagram live and Zoom webinars, throughout July.

Ballina Shire Mayor Cr David Wright is on board with the campaign.

“For Plastic Free July I’m inspired to use my soda maker for sparkling water, which reduces reliance on plastic bottles,” said Cr Wright. “I urge residents to get on board with the challenge and see what solutions they can find.”

Other ongoing initiatives that aim to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill include the NSW Government’s Return and Earn container deposit scheme and REDcycle soft plastics recycling at all major supermarkets.

Be part of the solution to plastic pollution by signing up for the challenge at www.plasticfreejuly.org


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