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Services providing frontline support to women and children experiencing domestic and family violence (DFV) will receive a share of $47.8 million in Commonwealth Government funding under the Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence National Partnership Agreement 2023-25 (NPA).

These include early intervention initiatives, specialist services, innovative pilot programs, and workforce capability development projects.

From the age of 15, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 8 men in Australia have experienced violence by an intimate partner or family member.

In NSW, there are around 2,500 reports of domestic violence to the police every month.

Last year, there were 36,072 incidents of domestic violence related assault and 19 domestic violence related murders of women and children in the state.

Aboriginal women and children are also over-represented as victim-survivors of family violence.

The NPA 2023-25 includes:

  • $25.6 million for response, recovery and healing initiatives
  • $15.9 million for early intervention initiatives
  • $6.3 million for workforce and sector capability building

Funding under the 2023-25 NPA will be put towards projects that help to achieve Target 13 of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap: to cut the rate of family violence and abuse against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children by 50 per cent by 2031. This round of funding will invest in vital, culturally appropriate services to Aboriginal women and children.

Workforce capability projects will focus on training specialist frontline DFV workers to identify and respond to the dynamics of coercive control, and activities to support faith, community and sporting leaders when engaging with people who disclose experiences of DFV.

The funding will also continue some grants awarded to DFV service providers that were funded under NPA 2021-2023.

This includes 10 organisations delivering tailored men’s behavioural change programs for Aboriginal people, culturally and linguistically diverse groups, the LGBTQIA+ community, people with cognitive impairment and the Aboriginal Wellbeing and Family Violence Prevention Program in Tamworth.

Youth Justice NSW will receive funding to continue to deliver a range of programs including support services for young people to understand Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO) conditions, court processes and bail conditions. The funding secures the continuation of DFV Family Workers in key locations across NSW to provide therapeutic and practical support to families and young people, support additional psychologists and improve court resources.

The Commonwealth funding under the NPA will complement the NSW government’s $230 million emergency domestic violence package.

Federal Minister for Social Services Amanda Rishworth said:

“Ending violence against women and children is a national priority shared by all Australian governments.

“We are working in partnership with the NSW Government to end the cycle of violence and build the capacity of our frontline workforce.

“This investment is in line with our multipronged approach to fund initiatives across the four domains of the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children – prevention, early intervention, response, and healing and recovery.”

Minister for Health Ryan Park said:

“Domestic violence has an awful impact on families, and it affects all sections of our society.

“I am really proud we have in place a number of measures within our healthcare system including prenatal screening, which will identify and protect some of our most vulnerable women and children.”

Minister for Youth Justice Jihad Dib said:

“Juvenile domestic and family violence offenders can often be victims or survivors of domestic and family violence themselves, and early intervention programs are vital to respond to young people using or experiencing violence in their homes. Initiatives like the DFV Family Workers are a practical way we can work with communities and empower families to make positive decisions, as well as help divert young people from the criminal justice system.”

Minister for Families and Communities Kate Washington said:

“Domestic and family violence is a cowardly crime and the NSW government is looking at every lever to keep women and children safe.

“We know many vulnerable children in the foster care system come from houses of violence, highlighting the importance of early intervention programs to support families to stay safely together.”

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty David Harris said:

“With Aboriginal women and children over-represented as family and domestic violence victim-survivors, this funding will boost on-the-ground support services in communities where they’re most needed.

“It will also contribute to efforts to meet the Closing the Gap target of halving rates of family and domestic violence in Aboriginal communities by 2031.”

Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Jodie Harrison said:

“The statistics for domestic and family violence are shocking and tragic.

“Beyond the numbers, we know that family violence can have destructive consequences for women and children and can leave a devastating impact on the community.

“Our government is committed to seeing dramatic improvements in the rates of domestic, family and sexual violence, and what we need to focus on is delivering appropriate and effective, whole-of-community services for victim-survivors.”


For more National Australia News, visit here.

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Honey mustard chicken sausage rolls & Chicken stir-fry with cashews, chilli and broccoli




Honey mustard chicken sausage rolls & Chicken stir-fry with cashews, chilli and broccoli

Honey mustard chicken sausage rolls & Chicken stir-fry with cashews, chilli and broccoli

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Honey mustard chicken sausage rolls & Chicken stir-fry with cashews, chilli and broccoliDownload these recipes

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Nursing Boost Commences in Regional Hospitals




Nursing Boost

Nursing Boost Commences in Regional Hospitals


Lismore Base Hospital will be among the first regional hospitals in NSW to implement the new Safe Staffing Levels, with recruitment underway for approximately 29 full-time equivalent (FTE) additional nurses to meet these requirements in its emergency department (ED). Port Macquarie Base Hospital is also recruiting as part of this initiative.

The staffing boost at Lismore and Port Macquarie Base Hospitals aims to establish a one-to-one nursing care ratio for generally occupied ED resuscitation beds on all shifts and a one-to-three ratio for generally occupied ED treatment spaces and ED short-stay unit beds on all shifts.

This initiative follows discussions with the Safe Staffing Levels Taskforce, established to oversee the Government’s commitment to adding the equivalent of 2,480 full-time employees over four years. The Taskforce includes key leaders from the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA), NSW Health, and local health districts.

The implementation of safe staffing levels will occur in phases over the next three years, initially commencing in Level 5 and Level 6 EDs, which treat the most critically ill patients, and then progressively rolling out to other hospitals and departments.

The Safe Staffing Levels Taskforce will review the initial rollout at these facilities to help inform future implementations.

In addition to implementing safe staffing levels, the NSW Government is embracing several measures to build a more supported health workforce, including:

  1. Abolishing the wages cap and delivering the highest pay increase in over a decade for nurses and other health workers.
  2. Rolling out 500 additional paramedics in regional, rural, and remote communities.
  3. Introducing the health worker study subsidies scheme.

Quotes attributable to Regional Health Minister Ryan Park:

“The rollout of Safe Staffing Levels aims to improve the experience of our patients and staff and boost retention, capacity, and capability in our hospitals. The Safe Staffing Levels initiative involves the introduction of minimum staffing levels on every shift, which will result in more nurses employed in hospitals right across the state. The rollout began earlier this year at Liverpool Hospital and Royal North Shore Hospitals, with Port Macquarie Base Hospital and Lismore Base Hospital now coming on board. Importantly, this reform will deliver improved nursing numbers to provide care for patients while supporting our frontline healthcare staff. I look forward to working with representatives from the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association and NSW Health as part of the Safe Staffing Levels Taskforce as they review this rollout and use these experiences to help inform safe staffing levels implementation at future sites.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin:

“This initiative aims to support the attraction and retention of health staff to Lismore and the Northern NSW Local Health District to help ensure local patients have better access to safe, high-quality care. This will make a big difference to nurses in the emergency department at Lismore Base Hospital, and be a major benefit for everyone in the community who requires emergency care at the hospital.”


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Greyhound runt wins maiden race




Butcher as a puppy Contributed

Greyhound runt wins maiden race


By Samantha Elley

Australians love nothing more than a good underdog story and the life of Butcher is definitely that.

Butcher had a tough beginning when he was born the runt of the greyhound litter belonging to Lyndall Beaumont and Brad Northfield of Backmede.

“He was the runt but also his mother rolled over and lied on him,” said Lyndall.

“We thought he was dead as he was lifeless.

“(Brad) was going to the greyhound committee and he said, ‘He’s dead. Throw him in the bin.’ He was used to it.”

But Lyndall knew she couldn’t do that, so she wrapped the puppy up warm and started massaging him.

“He came back to life!” she said

“I got an eye dropper and got special milk from the vet and I took him to bed for the next two weeks and got up every few hours, like a baby, and gave him a few drops of milk.”

Butcher with his owners Courtesy Casino Greyhound Racing Club Facebook page

Butcher with his owners Courtesy Casino Greyhound Racing Club Facebook page

Lyndall said Butcher was so tiny he fit in the palm of her hand.

“Brad told me to put him back with his mother, and she rolled on him again,” said Lyndall.

“So from then on I said I was keeping him inside.”

Butcher, which is his racing name, is now a normal size for a greyhound.

He was named after David ‘Butcher’ McLeod, for all his help during trialling at the race track.

“(Butch) goes above and beyond with the trials,” said Lyndall.

“He always wanted someone to call a dog after him, so we called ours Butcher.”

Earlier this month, Butcher showed what he was made of when he won his maiden race at the Casino Greyhound races.

Brad has admitted to the Casino Greyhound Racing Club that none of that would have been possible if not for Lyndall nursing Butcher back to life and willing the puppy to survive.

“(Butcher is) special,” said Lyndall.

“It is like he is human.”

Lyndall knows there is more to come in Butcher’s racing career.


For more local news, click here.

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