News and Reviews

Mental Health in Young Men: The Need for Change



Mental Health in Young Men: The Need for Change


As part of International Men’s Health Week, Kids Helpline is urging boys and young men to prioritise their mental health. Tracy Adams, CEO of yourtown, emphasises the importance of this week for fostering a positive culture around mental and emotional well-being, especially for young men.

Key Findings from Kids Helpline

  • Help-Seeking Disparity: Young males are significantly less likely to seek help for mental health concerns compared to females. In May, Kids Helpline recorded 57 daily responses from young males versus 195 from females.
  • Age Groups: Males aged 19 to 25 are the largest group of male help-seekers (37%), while those aged 15 to 18 are the least likely to seek support.

Societal Stigma and Hyper masculinity

Ms. Adams highlights that societal stigma and the culture of hyper masculinity discourage boys from talking about their emotions and seeking help. Many boys conform to a masculine ideal that values stoicism, toughness, and competitiveness, which has long-term negative effects on their mental health.

The Impact of Reluctance

Reluctance to access mental health support leaves many young men feeling isolated and vulnerable. Kids Helpline counsellors note that this reluctance is often due to the stigma associated with mental health issues and societal expectations of masculinity.

Creating a Supportive Environment

Kids Helpline provides a safe and inclusive space for boys and young men to connect with professional support around the clock. The service aims to change the way boys view mental health and encourage them to reach out for help.

Call to Action

Ms. Adams concludes by urging the community to teach boys that it’s okay to seek help. Emphasising the importance of support, she highlights the need to change societal norms and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health in young men.

Contact Information

Kids Helpline is Australia’s only national 24/7 counselling service for children and young people aged 5 to 25 years, provided by yourtown. It offers free, confidential support via:


International Men’s Health Week serves as a crucial reminder to address the mental health needs of young men. By encouraging open conversations and providing accessible support, we can help young men lead healthier, happier lives.


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