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Health News

Exercise as medicine – Helping fight cancer



David Hoffman of David’s Health and Lifestyle studios

Exercise as medicine – Helping fight cancer


David's Health & Lifestyle Studio Logo

In the last article, we discussed the importance of muscle quality in the cancer journey and how exercise helps with the hallmarks of a cancer cell. In this article, I will explain the process created by cancer cells to increase oxygen and food supply (angiogenesis) and, exercise effectors to combat the process, and the role nutrition plays in the cancer journey.

Angiogenesis is the building or creation of vasculature (blood vessels), a natural physical response to stressors such as exercise, wound healing, and menstruation. Our body closely controls angiogenesis, aiming to maintain our finely balanced internal systems (called keeping Homeostasis).

Tumours creating imbalance

As a cancer tumour grows, it will require a supply of food and oxygen to enable the replicative immortality process of cancer growth to continue. The tumour will also want to move to other areas in the body that suit its needs (metastasis), continuing the spread of the disease. A cancer growth that needs food and oxygen will ‘hijack’ our natural processes by stimulation of two significant proteins called Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (a or c), which attach to respective receptors on the outside of our cells in close vasculature. These proteins stimulate the degradation of the layers of arteries and veins and then the building of branches to the tumour.

In normal circumstances, our body would stop this by down-regulating the protein action with angioinhibitors such as angiostatin and endostatin. Here is where the cancer tumour shows how challenging it is to stop. Not only does it stimulate the proteins for the growth required, but it will also turn off the inhibitors that prevent the process from occurring.

Typically, building blood vessels to the tumour would also mean that treatment with chemotherapy drugs would be able to reach and kill the tumour; however, this is not the case.  The vessels built are often of poor structure, blocked or damaged, or ineffective for normal blood flow. Ultimately, they will be enough to sustain tumour growth and metastasis but be inadequate for normal blood flow.

When we exercise (particularly cardiovascular types), acute actions can help treat a tumour, with chronic adaptations helping long-term disease management. Acutely our blood vessels go through a process called vasodilation, allowing stronger blood flow to the body, whilst chronic adaptations are the building of strong, healthy, and resilient blood vessels into the deeper outreaches of our body. Processes like this allow our immune cells and any chemotherapy treatment to have a greater chance of finding the tumours and having the required effects. Combining cardiovascular exercise (for improved vessels) and resistance training (to boost our immune system) could be powerful tools in helping fight cancers.

David Hoffman of David’s Health and Lifestyle studios

David Hoffman of David’s Health and Lifestyle studios

Cancer and nutrition

Having the right balance of nutrients and energy sources during all stages of the cancer continuum has been shown to help attenuate some of the side effects such as muscle loss, cachexia, and malnutrition.  If you look on the internet, there are many unqualified and untested eating plans or superfoods that are marketed as a tool to help you win the battle. Unfortunately, when desperate and looking for anything to help, people often take these pathways. The wrong nutrition or use of supplements that are not prescribed may be feeding and promoting tumour growth.  If you are looking at the right pathway to optimal nutrition while dealing with cancer see a qualified and

Experienced cancer dietition.

In the next article I will cover some more hallmarks that exercise can combat, lifestyle factors that may be related to increased cancer risks, and the epigenerational effect these may have on your family.

If you have any questions on exercise and cancer, feel free to email me at or see our website.


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Tenterfield-The Bowlo

Health News

Breast Cancer Awareness Month





Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The Honorable Aileen MacDonald has reminded the public that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Ms. MacDonald emphasised the importance of supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation during this time, as breast cancer remains the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, claiming the lives of nine people each day.

“The aim of Breast Cancer Awareness Month is to shine a light on the devastating impact breast cancer has on thousands of Australians each day,” Ms MacDonald said.

“The statistics are alarming. Every year more than 21,000 people in Australia, including around 200 men, will be diagnosed with breast cancer,” she said.

“It saddens me that every year more than 3,300 people in Australia, including 33 men, will die from breast cancer.”

Ms. MacDonald encouraged everyone to undergo screenings, as early detection significantly improves the chances of successful treatment for breast cancer confined to the breast.

“If you experience any symptoms such as lumps, dimples, discharge or discolouration, head to your doctor for further examination,” she said.

For further information Ms MacDonald said visit the National Breast Cancer Foundation website.

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Health News

headspace music program hits right note for mental health




headspace Lismore mental health support

headspace music program hits right note for mental health

It is Mental Health Month and headspace Lismore and Tweed teams are emphasising the importance of seeking support, saying it may look different to what people think.

headspace Senior Manager, Sim Balzer, says nowadays mental health support can take many varied forms.

“It can be creative, or active; in groups with peers, or it can be one-on-one and from the comfort of your bedroom. The great thing is, we can connect young people with the support style that works for them,” Balzer said.

Wednesday 9 October is National headspace Day and this year’s theme, “Pause. Reflect. Reconnect.”, encourages young people to find balance amidst life’s challenges by reconnecting to things that bring them joy. If that thing is music or filmmaking, then headspace Lismore have some programs for you.

Level 3 Music Studio

The Level 3 Music Studio is delivered by headspace Group Facilitator, Vincent McManus, better known as Vinnie. Passionate about the therapeutic benefits of music, Vinnie supports more than 30 young people a year through his music studio.

“Music not only allows young people to engage in creative expression, but it also helps them to define who they are and their place in the world and can bring about a wonderful sense of confidence and achievement”, Vinnie said.

“I believe the creative process is a powerful therapeutic avenue for young people to explore. And if some young artists want to find a pathway into the music industry, I can help them along their way,” Vinnie said.

Vinnie has assisted young musicians to enter national songwriting competitions, find paid performing gigs and record their music, as well as helping young actors with showreels and understanding what it takes to work in the film industry through his other group, the filmmakers Media Hub.

To connect with these groups young people first sign up to headspace support and meet with a member of our intake and access team.

“Often what’s been happening is, people find out about Music Studio and how awesome it is, and then sign up to headspace so they can access it,” Vinnie said. “Before signing up many don’t realise they get access to a counsellor completely free. And they may not have considered doing those sessions before. It is this wrap around support that can be so effective.”

“When you pull off a good song with someone who was feeling quite broken, and you create something so beautiful… it is wonderful. You watch them grow this confidence in themselves,” Vinnie said.

Local Lismore singer songwriter Mia French has been part of the Level 3 Music Program and supported by headspace for several years and says it is helpful to find someone to talk to and who listens and understands.

“And then I found out there was a music studio program which was crazy! And just perfect for me,” Mia said.

“I was able to record and produce my own original songs in a professional little studio, which was an amazing opportunity and something I had never had the chance to do before.

“I got to collaborate with other musicians, make new friends and even perform live gigs.

“I can honestly say that the support from the people and programs at headspace have really helped me find a stronger sense of what I can actually achieve,” Mia said.

Vincent ‘Vinnie’ McManus

Film, art and fresh fruits groups

If music isn’t your thing, there are other activities and groups to access including arts, games, Fresh Fruits LGBTIQSB+ group and of course, the film group, Media Hub.

“With the Media Hub, what I love seeing is the peer support,” Vinnie says. “When someone comes in and they’re talking about their stuff and someone else in the group says, ‘you know, I’ve been there, you should try this…this is what I’ve done’.

“There’s an incredible sharing of real information, and I love that. It is group members saying, “I’ve got you. I’ve got you.”

Youth mental health from the view of a young person

Sam Baynham is a member of headspace Lismore’s Young Peoples’ Advisory Committee (YPAC) and says there are still multiple barriers to young people seeking support for their mental health including transport access issues, stigmatisation, and cost of living pressures.

“The constant comparison where you are told there are people who are worse off – it’s a barrier to seeking support, it invalidates your experience. That stops a lot of people from seeking help, they think ‘there are people who need it more than me’, or ‘my issues aren’t enough,’” Sam said. “The cost of everything is a barrier also. Even just getting into a GP to get a care plan made up is difficult.”

When asked about some of the key challenges facing young people Sam said the impacts of the pandemic and flood are still lingering.

“They are still having a big ripple effect on young people’s mental health, and I think this will be around for quite a long time yet.”

“Definitely over the past couple of years the main challenges have been cost of living, cost of housing, food security and climate change – the worry is a big weight. Especially after Covid and the floods – at some point it all intertwines with one another.”

“I think social media is a big issue also, especially stuff like Snapchat and TikTok. Cos’ you know, people just post little snippets of the good parts of their lives. And there’s a lot of comparing that goes on in social media. A lot of it is false stuff, it can be damaging.”

“There’s no escape from social media. And if bullying is happening over Snapchat, it disappears, there is no trace of it.”

Sam’s message to other young people is to connect in to support at any time.

“Even when things aren’t going on, it’s ok to have those conversations at any time. You don’t have to be in a bad space to seek out support.”

Anytime is the right time for support

headspace Senior Manager Sim Balzer says it is encouraging to see young people accessing various forms of support at headspace Lismore, whether it’s counselling, seeing a GP or clinic nurse, attending groups, or producing film or music.

“This integrated, multi-faceted approach to care places the young person’s interests and strengths at the heart of the support, which is what makes it so effective.”

She also wants to stress that anytime is the right time to seek support.

“There are pointy bits to life, that’s for sure. But you don’t need to wait until things get worse. There is no judgment on whether your problem is too big or too small – we’re here for anyone who needs to chat,” Sim said. “Don’t be afraid to walk through the door.”

headspace, Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation, provides early intervention mental health services to 12–25-year-olds.

Tenterfield-The Bowlo
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Health News

New volunteer opportunities at Grafton Base Hospital




New volunteer opportunities at Grafton Base Hospital

New volunteer opportunities at Grafton Base Hospital

Grafton Base Hospital has new opportunities for community members to join the volunteering program, where they can provide comfort and social support to patients during their hospital stay.

Following the success of the initial rollout of the new Healthcare Helper Volunteer Program across health facilities in Clarence Valley, Grafton Base Hospital has now opened up new roles in additional departments.

Clarence Health Service General Manager, Dan Madden said staff really welcome and value volunteers’ contribution to the hospital.

“We have been very pleased with the first cohort of volunteers and are encouraging more people from all walks of life to join us as Healthcare Helpers,” Mr Madden said.

“We are keen for the new volunteers at Grafton Base Hospital to reflect the diversity found within our broader community to ensure all patients feel comfortable and supported.

“We have several new patient companion roles now available in our oncology, renal, surgical, and medical wards.”

Volunteer at Maclean District Hospital, Ellie Walsh said she finds giving assistance to both patients and staff rewarding.

“Having the opportunity to help hard-working staff, while supporting patients during their stay and recuperation is a privilege,” Ms Walsh said.

“Seeing a patient smile in recognition, to laugh with them, to listen to their stories and help time pass more quickly, enriches my life.”

More information can be found online.

Volunteer enquiries about Grafton Base Hospital can be directed to the General Manager’s office via email: or Phone: 02 6643 0355.

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