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Consumer and medical groups welcome start of 60-day scripts for patients



A patient getting a 60-day script

Consumer and medical groups welcome start of 60-day scripts for patients


Consumer, health and doctor groups have welcomed the September 1 start of 60-day dispensing which will bring immediate benefits for some of Australia’s most vulnerable people.

This reform doubles the amount of medicines that pharmacists can dispense for stable conditions, on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, from 30 to 60 days – saving patients at least $180 a year and more if they’re taking multiple medicines.

The change is rolling out in three stages starting today, when the first group of medicines becomes available for 60-day scripts. It includes treatment for patients living with high cholesterol, hypertension, osteoporosis, Crohn’s disease, cardiovascular disease, gout, heart failure, and ulcerative colitis. Once the rollout is complete, over 300 medicines will be available for 60-day scripts.

This reform has been widely supported by patient and consumer groups, as well as medical groups.

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners President Dr Nicole Higgins said: “This change is going to bring immediate benefits for some the most vulnerable people in our community, including people living with chronic and ongoing conditions. It will save patients money and mean fewer trips to pick up medicine and repeat scripts, as well as freeing up GP consultations. The change is happening in three stages, and I encourage people who think they may be eligible for 60-day scripts to talk to their GP.”

Asthma Australia CEO Michele Goldman said: “While asthma medications aren’t included in this first round, we welcome the start of this initiative at the beginning of Asthma Week, for all those Australians living with a chronic condition who can now afford to buy the medicine they need.”

Breast Cancer Network Australia Director Policy, Advocacy & Support Services Vicki Durston said: “BCNA welcomes the commencement of 60-day dispensing for certain medications. This will make medicines cheaper for people living with chronic disease, including those with breast cancer. Although not released in this tranche, we look forward to the release of hormone-blocking therapies used to treat hormone receptor positive breast cancer in future rollouts of the program to reduce the cost for those diagnosed with breast cancer.”

Council of the Ageing (COTA) Australia CEO Patricia Sparrow said: “The move to 60-day prescribing will make a big difference to the lives of many older people from a health, wellbeing and financial perspective. It’s a practical, common-sense change that recognises that medicines aren’t a luxury, but a necessity. This is an acknowledgement of how crucial it is that everyone can get timely, affordable access to the medicines they need to keep them healthy.”

A patient getting a 60-day script

Consumer, health and doctor groups have welcomed the September 1 start of 60-day dispensing which will bring immediate benefits for some of Australia’s most vulnerable people.

Lung Foundation Australia CEO Mark Brooke: “For millions of Australians and their loved ones who live with lung disease, being able to fill two months’ worth of vital everyday medicines for the price of one prescription is a tremendous hip pocket relief amid acute cost of living pain. This change means less unnecessary trips to the GP, freeing up the incredibly overburdened system, and less time for immunosuppressed people spent in crowded waiting areas. From our community’s perspective, those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) will be immediately affected, and for patients with stable chronic conditions it also reduces their risk of missing medication dosages at the end of the month when their script runs out. The crucial job our pharmacists do as part of our health care teams will not change – they will still help people to understand their conditions, advise on monitoring symptoms and improve management of health at home.”

National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Deputy CEO Dr Dawn Casey said: “We welcome both the convenience and savings that many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will derive from this measure.  This measure will relieve the burden of having to frequently access multiple clinical service providers in different locations to manage peoples’ chronic diseases. There is also a significant financial benefit, especially for working Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. Despite existing medicines subsidy measures, ABS data continue to show that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – like many other Australians – may need to forgo medication due to its cost.”

60-day medicine dispensing will                                                                             

  • Benefit approximately 6 million people with chronic and ongoing conditions – including a significant number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) Australians who have a higher prevalence of chronic conditions.
  • Save consumers up to $180 a year and more for people taking multiple medicines.
  • Mean fewer trips to pick up medicines and repeat scripts, saving people time and money and freeing up GP appointments.
  • Bring Australia into line with other high-income countries like New Zealand, the USA and Canada, where people already have access to multiple months of medication on a single prescription.
  • Improve system equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who suffer more from chronic disease. There is strong evidence showing the value of medicine cost reduction for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
  • Increase convenience for consumers, which will increase medication adherence.

Implement a recommendation from the independent Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC). PBAC has dismissed claims the change would cause medication shortages.


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Vape Laws Spark Opposition




Vape Laws

Vape Laws Spark Opposition


Queuing at local pharmacies is expected to become longer and more complex due to new laws permitting pharmacies to sell e-cigarettes, commonly known as vapes.

As of 1 July, pharmacies are the sole legal dispensers of nicotine-containing vapes. Initially, customers will need a prescription to purchase these products, but starting 1 October, adults will be able to buy them after a consultation with the pharmacist.

However, the new legislation has sparked significant opposition from many pharmacy chains and independent chemists. The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has strongly criticised the move, describing the expectation for pharmacists to retail vapes as “insulting.”

“Pharmacists are healthcare professionals, and community pharmacies do not want to supply this potentially harmful, highly addictive product without a prescription,” stated Anthony Tassone, the guild’s national vice-president. Tassone also emphasised that vaping products have not been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and no nicotine-containing vape is listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods.

The controversial laws were passed by Parliament following a compromise between Labor and the Greens. Beginning 1 October, pharmacists who opt to sell vapes will be able to provide them to customers aged 18 or over with proper ID but without requiring a prescription, as nicotine vapes will be reclassified from schedule 4 to schedule 3 of the poison’s standard. However, individuals under 18 will still need a prescription to purchase nicotine vapes.

The intent behind the new laws is to regulate the sale of nicotine vapes more strictly while making them accessible for adults who choose to use them. Despite this, the Pharmacy Guild remains critical, highlighting the health risks associated with vaping and the added responsibility placed on pharmacists to manage these products safely.

As the implementation date approaches, the debate within the healthcare community and among the public is likely to intensify, raising questions about the balance between accessibility and safety in the regulation of nicotine vapes.


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Onsite Pharmacists – Just What the Doctor Ordered




Onsite Pharmacists

Onsite Pharmacists – Just What the Doctor Ordered


The Aged Care Onsite Pharmacist (ACOP) program aims to revolutionise medication delivery in residential facilities by placing trained professionals directly on-site.

Addressing Medication Mismanagement

The mismanagement of medications, inconsistent safety procedures, and low vaccination rates in aged care homes have long been controversial. Health authorities are urging providers to increase vaccine rates, as the lives of residents and communities are at risk. Despite these pleas, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners reported that 97 aged care facilities had COVID-19 vaccination rates below 10%. Additionally, 706 facilities reported less than 50% of their residents vaccinated against COVID, with the lowest coverage in various states including New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia.

The Role of Onsite Pharmacists

The Aged Care Royal Commission identified medication delivery as a crucial area for improvement in aged care homes, recommending the employment of allied health practitioners, including pharmacists. Responding to this, the Federal Government has allocated $333.7 million to fund the ACOP program. This initiative enables residential aged care providers to engage pharmacists through local pharmacies or direct employment. These pharmacists will deliver personalised medications, manage frequent medication reviews, and administer antipsychotic drugs and vaccinations.

Goals of the ACOP Program

The ACOP aims to:

  • Improve medication use and safety in aged care homes, particularly the use of high-risk medications.
  • Ensure continuity in medication management through regular reviews and prompt issue resolution.
  • Provide easy access to pharmaceutical advice for residents and staff.
  • Integrate on-site pharmacists with the healthcare team, including local GPs, nurses, and community pharmacies.
  • Enhance understanding and response to individual resident needs.

Support from the Pharmacy Guild of Australia

The initiative has garnered support from the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, recognising the potential to elevate the role of pharmacies. This program enables pharmacists not only to deliver medications and dose administration aids but also to provide quality use of medicines within the facility. A Pharmacy Guild spokesperson highlighted the additional services pharmacists can offer, such as vaccinations, as they begin to practice to their full scope. This will create further opportunities for community pharmacies to become significant providers of healthcare services to aged care facilities.

Funding Model

The ACOP funding model is divided into two tiers:

  • Tier 1: Community pharmacies receive payments to engage with specific residential aged care facilities.
  • Tier 2: Residential aged care facilities can claim up to $138,282 per year for the full-time equivalent employment of an on-site pharmacist.

This government-funded initiative promises to improve medication management and overall healthcare in aged care facilities, ensuring better health outcomes for residents.


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Foods That Can Help Reduce or Prevent Joint Pain




Minimally processed, whole foods That Can Help Reduce or Prevent Joint Pain

Foods That Can Help Reduce or Prevent Joint Pain


Minimally processed, whole foods — including brightly coloured fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins — may help relieve inflammation and other symptoms that lead to joint pain. Inflammation is a common cause of joint pain, often associated with arthritis and other joint conditions. Eating foods that help reduce inflammation may improve joint pain and offer additional health benefits, such as improved heart health.

Can Diet Help Reduce Joint Pain?

Research indicates that diet can significantly impact joint health. A survey of 217 people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) found that 24% reported their diet affected their symptoms. A 2023 study on osteoarthritis supports the idea that certain diet patterns can improve joint symptoms. Diets high in nuts, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and seafood, which contain anti-inflammatory properties like antioxidants and phytochemicals, may help reduce joint pain.

Beneficial Foods for Joint Pain

Incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into your diet can help reduce joint pain and slow disease activity. Beneficial foods include:

  • Nuts: Rich in healthy fats and antioxidants.
  • Legumes: High in fibre and protein, reducing inflammation.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • Seafood: Especially fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Foods to Avoid

To manage joint pain, limit or avoid processed foods, trans fats, and added sugars. A nutrient-rich diet can also help maintain a moderate weight, reducing strain on the joints.

Popular Diets for Joint Pain

The Mediterranean Diet

Emphasises fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and healthy fats, with moderate seafood and poultry, and limited dairy and red meat. Associated with reduced inflammation and improved joint health.

The DASH Diet

Includes fruits, vegetables, fish, poultry, nuts, whole grains, and low-fat dairy while restricting salt, sugar, fats, and red meat. May help improve and reduce the risk of gout, a type of arthritis that causes joint pain.


Incorporating a variety of nutrient-rich, anti-inflammatory foods into your diet can help manage and prevent joint pain. Following dietary patterns like the Mediterranean or DASH diets may offer comprehensive benefits for joint health and overall well-being.


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