Lismore News
Cleaning schedule for Browns Creek

Cleaning schedule for Browns Creek
By Samantha Elley
Some would say it’s a creek worth beautifying and others would simply call it a drain that needs to be covered up and kept clean.
Whichever way it is perceived, Brown’s Creek was under discussion at part two of Lismore City Council’s ordinary meeting last Wednesday.
Councillor Big Rob put forward that Council take no further action on a decision in last October’s meeting to commit to the naturalisation of Browns Creek as Stage 1 of Lismore Park’s redevelopment.
“Council is trying to recover from a very difficult financial position,” Cr Rob commented in the motion.
“Spending considerable ratepayer funds in an area prone to regular flooding is not the best use of resources.”
Early in the discussion Councillor Andrew Gordon proposed an amendment to the motion that a maintenance schedule be established to ensure Brown’s Creek drainage system be thoroughly cleaned of debris on a regular basis.
Cr Vanessa Ekins, by way of explanation spoke against the motion saying the naturalisation of the area should stay a high priority.
“The Lismore Park Project, including the naturalisation of Brown’s Creek, has been in Council’s plans since 2011,” she said.
“And was adopted by Council after considerable consultation with our community. There was a huge amount of enthusiasm for doing something at the park.”
Cr Ekins explained significant expense and ongoing operational expenditure at the time meant it was not worthwhile to pursue.
“However, the Council last October decided progressing with Browns creek naturalisation was worth pursuing,” she said.
“The funds collected specifically for this purpose were to be kept.
“Not doing anything further would be a loss for the community.”
Council confirmed there currently was no regular maintenance schedule for Brown’s Creek, although it is inspected periodically.
The original motion with the amendment to include a maintenance schedule to clean Browns Creek drainage system was passed by Council.
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