Bangalow News
Bangalow Parklands easier to enjoy thanks to new shared path

Bangalow Parklands easier to enjoy thanks to new shared path
Council has completed a new 76 metre shared path at Bangalow Parklands that links the park shelter and rotunda to the carpark and amenities building, enabling better access to the park for people of all ages and abilities.
“We’d like to send a huge thank you to the dedicated Bangalow Parklands team for their involvement in the design and implementation of this path,” Council’s Director Infrastructure Services, Phil Holloway said.
“We’ve invested $70,000 in this upgrade and we’re thrilled to have delivered a pathway that opens up use of the park to people who’ve previously found it difficult to get around including parents with kids in strollers and those using wheelchairs and mobility scooters,” he said.
As part of Council’s shared path project, an existing garden bed adjacent to the amenities building was also extended and refurbished and new accessible hardwood picnic tables are scheduled for instalment mid-August.
Bangalow Parklands team member, Christobel Munson said that many local families and individuals would be delighted with the parkland’s new path.
“Adding a new path might sound like a small thing but it can make a massive difference to people’s use and enjoyment of our beautiful parklands and we are really happy with the result,” she said.
In other good news for the park, Council is giving the old bridge an $85,000 refurbishment. A heavy crane is required to move the upgraded bridge back into place and this can only occur after an extended period of dry weather.
“The bridge has been closed since late 2017, so it’s such good news that once again, we’ll all be able to access the far side of the creek, where we have plans to clear up accumulated flood damage and restore our native plantings there, for all to enjoy,” Ms Munson said.
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