Casino NSW News
“30+ years doing what we love – Breeding Quality Angus Cattle”

“30+ years doing what we love – Breeding Quality Angus Cattle”
Lyle Angus Cattle is a family owned operation located in the tough forest country South East of Casino, NSW. After years of the family being totally committed to Hereford & cross bred cattle, Bruce set out in 1982 to develop and establish the Angus herd at “Jambrita” Alphadale until relocating to “Paisley Park” Casino in 1988, where we still call home today. The Lyle family has been breeding registered Angus cattle for over 30 years.
The country we raise our cattle in is a tough short season environment and our cows are truly hard workers, being asked to rear calves in low fertility forest country is a big ask and we are constantly amazed by the Angus hardiness to breed and produce under these conditions, traditionally reserved for Brahman cross breeder herds. We have been asked many times why we run our cattle on such tough country and the answer is simple, we love living and raising our family here ! The added bonus is our cattle leave here and can go anywhere and perform superbly, being bred and raised in the tough adds remarkable doing ability that our customers recognise, with many repeat customers placing our bulls out with British, Euro, Brahman & F1 cows in the toughest of situations successfully year after year. Born and pasture raised on our farm, Ryegrass, Oats and Vetch prepared for sale.
Our goals are very simple, focus on the cow. You can have all the numbers in the world, but if you don’t have a cow, that will go in calf, calve unassisted, thrive on grass, wean a calf ½ her body weight, you don’t have much to work with. We aim to breed strong, heavily muscled, easy fleshing bulls, that sire calves that will breed our customers steer calves with extra Kilo’s and valuable replacement females, year after year.
Selected use of high accuracy proven A.I. sires has been implemented to complement our cow families, along with purchasing sires from time to time that meet our high expectations. We also use select sires that are home bred, we find this the ultimate test in sampling the product we sell and are extremely pleased with how our cattle stack up.
We have 20 herd improving Angus bulls on offer at the Casino All Breeds Bull Sale. Held on Saturday 30th of July and having withstood the test of time, this event has imbedded itself as the region’s major bull sale and is well recognised by all large and smaller scale graziers as a must attend event for quality. To Support our Southern clients, we are offering 8 bulls at the Grafton Angus Sale on the 6th August 2022. We are resisting selling bulls at bull sales outside our area, choosing to provide local cattle for our local producers.. Additionally, outside buyers who source our bulls year after year from this sale are very happy with the performance of our Bulls, year in and year out !
Heidi and I are very proud of this years bulls on offer, they have done very well in a very difficult wet season. Further pics and Info from our website www.lylefamily
If you would like to visit and see the bulls in the paddock, no problem, just give us a call !
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